You can access past governor workshops below.
To see future governor workshops planned take a look at our Training & Events menu.
Incentivising and retaining top talent in high performing environments
Benjy Sanford, HR Professional
A critical challenge for schools is retaining staff. During this session, Benjy drew on his professional background to share certain incentive concepts and structures that underpin the investment industry. By providing examples of incentive mechanics that reward alignment, collaboration, growth and retention, this session provided the audience with ideas that could be considered for the school setting – using reward methods to turn organisations into high performing environments.
Finance, Fundraising, Voluntary Contributions and Good Governance
Raisel Freedman, Assistant Director, PaJeS
This workshop built on insights from previous finance and fundraising sessions to weave together fundamentals of good governance with practical examples.
Please email for this presentation
The Place of Ivrit Teaching in the Jewish School
Dalia Wittenberg, PaJeS Ivrit Advisor for Primary Schools
In this session Dalia discussed the following:
• The importance in teaching Ivrit at Jewish schools
• Challenges
• What makes a good model of a successful Ivrit teaching and learning
Developing an Intentional Pathway for Israel and Antisemitism Education
Miriam Grant, JTracks Lead
Miriam talked about the PaJeS/I-gnite JTracks Project – how it came about, how it’s going and what we have learned so far. She shared the Outcomes Framework, a valuable piece of collaborative work that articulates how we would ideally like our young people to grow and develop in the context of their relationship with Israel and their overall identity as Jews in this challenging climate.
JTracks Outcomes Framework
2 Year Plan template exemplar
The Community Post October 7th
Claudia Mendoza, CEO, The JLC
Claudia talked about how things have shifted post Oct 7. She reported on some polling of both the community and general public as well as some of the areas the JLC have been/will be focusing on in this new and unprecedented time.
Embedding Your School’s Jewish Identity
Spencer Lewis, Headteacher of Yavneh College
This session focussed on the challenges of keeping your Jewish school Jewish. How do we ensure that the ethos of the school shines from every aspect of your work while meeting National Curriculum and OFSTED requirements?
What is the role of staff especially those who are not Jewish?
School Funding and Finance for Non-Finance Governors
Jill Gould, Finance Professional
This session was aimed at governors who do not have a background in finance, to increase your understanding of how school finances work. What am I looking at when I receive finance information from my school? What questions should I be asking?
The Role of Governors in HR
Tony Lampert, HR Practitioner
This workshop explored the key Human Resource issues for School Governors, in terms of roles and competencies.
Enhancing Leadership in Schools: The role of governors in supporting the Headteacher, SLT and Staff
Stephanie Segal, Consultant
This workshop looked at the role of Governors in supporting the Headteacher and school staff, understanding their responsibilities and workload to ensure their wellbeing.
Supporting Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health
How can we support and challenge SEND in our schools?
Joann Moore, Strategic Lead, Inclusion Advisory Team, Barnet
Ruth Vered, Advisory Teacher, Inclusion Advisory Team, Barnet
This workshop provided an opportunity to:
• Consider local and national developments in SEND
• As well as provide an opportunity to consider your role as a governor in relation to SEND
Update on New Pikuach Framework
Janine Rose, Executive Director, Pikuach
This workshop focused on what changes have occurred with a Pikuach inspection, eg Jewish Personal and Spiritual Development and why schools should choose Pikuach. The session explained the new criteria of JP&SD from ‘doing to being’ and consider what Pikuach would seek to find in your own school and why.
Meet the ESFA: Addressing the Challenges of School Funding
Sharon Mason-Witton, Schools Financial Support and Oversight (and ESFA Corporate Services) Directorate, Education and Skills Funding Agency
Schools are facing financial challenges and how to manage finances and access funding is becoming increasingly complex. This session was led by Sharon Mason-Witton from the ESFA division at the DFE. She advised on actions schools can take to balance budgets in addition to explaining the different opportunities for funding and support. She also wanted to hear about specific concerns from governors and took questions from the room.
Ofsted Update
Joel Sager, Headteacher of Pardes House Primary School, Ofsted Inspector
Debbie Lebrett, CEO of Work Avenue, Ofsted Inspector and former Headteacher of Hasmonean High School for Boys
Our workshop leaders have experience of the Ofsted process as both school leaders and inspectors. From these perspectives they considered the governor role in preparation in the years, months, and days before inspection, and where we can find support and advice to prepare. Also, our role during inspection and how we can we support the staff and leadership team.
Wellbeing and Us, Wellbeing and Me
Julia Alberga and Jessica Overlander-Kaye, PaJeS Wellbeing
As strategic school leaders, governors are integral to raising awareness of mental health and wellbeing at the highest level and ensuring it is embedded in the school’s vision, ethos and planning. School governors play a key role in mitigating the effects of work stress on Headteachers and school staff, which has led to increasing numbers leaving the profession.
Following the 3 year schools wellbeing project, evaluated by The Anna Freud Centre; the PaJeS Wellbeing team are now working with selected schools on Wellbeing & Me, a PaJeS framework that includes support, guidance, implementation and training for school leadership, staff, students and parents/carers.
This session explored the role of governors in ensuring their SLT are supported to deliver this whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing.
Effective Communication
Suzanne Tager, Chair of Governors, Rimon Jewish Primary School
Headteachers tell us that dealing with governors and managing their expectations can be one of the most challenging aspects of their role. In this session governors explored how to communicate effectively, to help senior leaders to hear your message, actively listen to what they are saying and ensure you understand their perspective. Governors discussed how to prepare for potentially challenging conversations and work collaboratively to decide on a course of action.
Good Governance
Claire Collins, National Governors’ Association
Good governance – this session explored how PaJeS ten governance commandments might look like in practice, and the support and guidance available to strengthen governance in your school or trust
PaJeS Ten Commandments HANDOUT 1
PaJeS Ten Commandments HANDOUT 2
From Vision to Implementation
Rabbi David Meyer, CEO, PaJeS
Every governor has a vision and desire to improve their school. However, translating this vision into implementation is often a very frustrating process. This session considered the strategic priorities governors have for schools, explored the challenges facing their implementation and how to best overcome these challenges.