For Leadership & Management
Leadership & Management
School leaders provide a strategic vision for a mentally healthy school to create a safe environment for the children and young people in their care.
Explore Our Leadership & Management Programme
A positive, calming and welcoming environment for students and staff. The space can be used as an opportunity for shared engagement for the whole school community.
A clear, wellbeing staffing structure ensuring all young people are aware of the key members of the pastoral team and the wellbieng and safeguarding governor that are available to support them.
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Headteachers feel supported both personally and professionally in their role.
Designated Safeguarding Leads and the Senior Leadership Team are supported in their roles.
Senior Mental Health Lead Training
The DSL or pastoral lead has completed the Senior Mental Health Lead Training.
A Mental Health and Wellbeing policy is recognition that Mental Health and Wellbeing is a priority and understood by the school leadership, staff, students and their families.
All students to have a positive and stable relationship with an emotionally available member of staff.
Staff Performance Management
Staff should feel supported by the leadership of their school, that they are cared for and are appreciated for their hard work and dedication to their school.
A strategic focus through the annual School Improvement Plan enables all members of the school community to develop wellbeing initiatives and flourish, both as individuals and as a collective.