Shemot – weekly class guides
Download each parashah and scroll to find your year group, with interactive links to share with the class
Browse and download more weekly class guides from other sections of the Chumash
Early Years - Think Equal
Think Equal is a global initiative to ensure positive life outcomes for children through the teaching of a social and emotional learning story telling programme to early years . (3-6 year olds).
To ensure Student's needs are identified and adressed to support their learning and ability to reach their potential
These encompass a range of interventions and approaches, including peer tutoring, coaching, listening, mentoring, mediation and counselling, befriending and buddying.
"Heads Up Kids" is a social and emotional wellbeing curriculum promoting positive mental health for Reception through to Year 7.
Find out more
The weekly Parshiot provide an exciting opportunity for teachers to embed and link Wellbeing into our everyday lives.
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Learning and development to be supported through a variety of resources.