Primary: Parashat Hashavua/Torah Wellbeing & Me


The weekly Parshiot provide an exciting opportunity for us to embed and link Middot, Mitzvot & Wellbeing into our everyday lives


Torah, Wellbeing & Me has been redeveloped and updated.

This Parashah and wellbeing curriculum can be used weekly by the class teacher or the JS teacher and is a teaching tool and springboard for teaching positive values and life skills in line with the culture and ethos of the school.


Feedback from the teacher on the impact of Torah, Wellbeing & Me on the class.

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I am absolutely loving the new PaJeS website and especially all the new PowerPoints on the Torah, Wellbeing & Me page. Everything is so much more accessible now. Thank you PaJeS for these wonderful resources.
Rayna Glickman, Head of JS at King David Manchester

Torah, Wellbeing & Me Relaunch

Training for teachers on how to use Torah, Wellbeing & Me within a Parashah lesson

Poster Image

Parashat Hashavua curriculum (original)

Access the curriculum here