Training & Events

Heads of Ivrit, Ivrit Teachers

Ivrit Conference

8.45am - 3.30pm
Beit Meir

מורים יקרים

אנו מודים לכם על שלקחתם חלק בכנס למורי העברית לשנת 2024. בארגון הכנס הושקעו מאמצים רבים. על מנת שנוכל לדעת אם קלענו לצורכיכם ואם הכנס שירת את מטרתו להיות מרחב של למידה, חשיבה והתפתחות אישית, חשוב לנו לקבל מכם משוב. נודה לכם, אם תוכלו להקדיש את הדקות הקרובות למילוי השאלון הבא

 תודה מקרב לב

 דליה, שי וכל צוות 

Dear teachers,

We thank you for taking part in the 2024 PaJeS Hebrew Teachers’ Conference. Great effort has been invested in organising the event. To help us understand if we met your needs and if the conference served its purpose as a space for learning, reflection, and personal growth, we would greatly appreciate your feedback. We kindly ask you to take a few moments to complete the following questionnaire.

 Kind regards,

 Dalia, Shai and the entire PaJeS team

Role in school(Required)
School type(Required)
How beneficial and useful did you find the day?(Required)
1 being not satisfied at all, 5 being very satisfied
How satisfied are you with the choice of speaker?(Required)
1 being not satisfied at all, 5 being very satisfied

Please rate the following:

Communication prior to the conference(Required)
1 being not satisfied at all, 5 being very satisfied
Organisation on the day(Required)
1 being not satisfied at all, 5 being very satisfied
Refreshments and the food provided(Required)
1 being not satisfied at all, 5 being very satisfied
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