Torah, Wellbeing & Me – Prizmah Special Offer

Embed and link Middot, Mitzvot & Wellbeing into everyday lives

Transform your Parashah lessons, for 5-11 year olds, into powerful wellbeing discussions with our ready-to-use curriculum. Where Jewish wisdom meets social-emotional learning, week by week.

Sign up to receive a FREE Parashah

Complete the form to access a free sample Parashah so that you can experience our programme.

Watch the video to see how each Parashah works.

Scroll down to sign-up to the full curriculum.

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Sign up to our exclusive offer

As a ‘special introductory offer’ to attendees at Prizmah we are delighted to offer the Torah, Wellbeing & Me curriculum at cost of just £180 per year per programme.

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The JTracks Jewish History Curriculum

A FREE groundbreaking curriculum, for 11-18 year olds, that pioneers the use of primary sources, equipping students with the tools to investigate the past, shape their identity and debate with confidence.

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