Performance Development 

Performance Development

Staff should feel supported by the leadership of their school, that they are cared for and are appreciated for their hard work and dedication to their school.


Line managers to recognise the importance of monitoring staff wellbeing as part of the termly appraisal process.

Training for line management appraisal process to be found on The National College – ‘How to make a success of Teacher performance management and appraisal.’ 

Performance management should be measured in a holistic way, through student voice, teacher feedback, work scrutinization and planning and assessment. 

Line managers should work towards performance ‘development’ rather than performance management. 

School leaders should strive for an appraisal system that recognises the complexity of the job as the goal of the appraisal is to work together to improve and grow over time and for managers to acknowledge that everyone is human and has good and bad days. 

Line managers should encourage staff to collaborate rather than compete and recommend joint practice development.

An outcome should be an agreed area of professional development. Teachers can form professional learning communities (PLCs), with opportunities to try new approaches and share with other what has worked well and what hasn’t. 

It is recommended that line managers use the prompts below as discussion openers in termly appraisals.  

Suggested questions are:
Do you feel that you have a healthy work/life balance? 
Do you enjoy your job and feel fulfilled in your work? 
Do you feel supported by the leadership in the school? 
Do you receive and/or respond to emails outside of work hours? 


Submit a short report as to how this is used (150 words)

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