Contract Type: Full Time
Start Date: September 2024 (or earlier)
Education Setting: Primary School
Salary: Outer London Leadership Scale (dependant on experience)
Job Category: Nursery/EYFS Staff
With SLT responsibilities
The Independent Jewish Day School is a one-form entry Academy, situated in Hendon. We are a modern Orthodox school whose values and ethos embody a love of Torah with Ahavat Yisrael.
The successful candidate will:
- Have QTS or the equivalent qualifications
- Have experience in primary education, including planning and delivering the EYFS curriculum
- Have passion for working with children
- Have the ability to cater for the needs of all children
- Be committed to improving the outcomes of all children
- Be an integral part of the Senior Leadership Team, supporting the key development areas of the school
We can offer you:
- A warm, family-friendly school
- Supportive SLT, Governors, staff and parents
- Children who are eager to learn
- Passion for high standards
- Excellent CPD opportunities
- Generous non-contact time
- Creative and well-resourced learning environments
Application forms can be downloaded from our website.
Visits to the school are warmly welcomed
IJDS is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and will carry out appropriate safeguarding checks, including a DBS, prior to confirmation of appointment. The school may carry out online searches on shortlisted applicants and all applicants may be required to provide details of their online profile, including social media accounts, as part of their application.
PLEASE NOTE: Closing date isĀ 12pm on Thursday 4th April 2024
Interview date: From Monday 8th April 2024