Find a Jewish School

Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Miriam Kaye
68 Hale Lane, Mill Hill, London NW7 3RT
020 8959 6089

Mathilda Marks-Kennedy Jewish Primary School (MMK) was established in 1959 as a one-form entry mixed voluntary-aided primary school catering for up to 236 pupils in the London Borough of Barnet. Classes from Reception up to Year 6 can take a maximum of 30 pupils each and the Nursery caters for 26 pupils. Most of our pupils live close by the school, which facilitates and encourages its community feel.
At MMK we aim to provide high-quality experiences in all aspects of learning and school life in an atmosphere where respect for the individual enables each of our pupils to flourish academically, emotionally and personally. We believe that this will enable children to develop into young people who are fulfilled and secure, socially aware and able to make positive contributions to society and to our community.
We are a Modern Orthodox school. We aim to develop in our pupils a deep understanding, love and respect for living Judaism.  Our teaching is delivered in the context of a warm and welcoming Jewish environment that encourages our children to develop authentic Jewish values and a love of Jewish learning within a modern world. We see Zionism and a love of the State of Israel as important factors in our lives. We also promote and embrace a multi-cultural, tolerant and respectful Britain.

Background Type: Primary Status: State-Aided Gender: Mixed