King David Primary is a voluntary-aided co-educational school in Liverpool. It has a pupil roll of 420 children with 60 places for reception. As a United Synagogue day school it has a commitment to the practice of modern Orthodox Judaism and a regard for Israel in Jewish Life. The history of the school reflects the history of the Jewish Community in Liverpool and some children have family links which stretch back for over one hundred years. The original school was founded in 1841, and the Hebrew School in Hope Place opened in 1854. The school moved to Beauclair Drive in the academic year 1964-5. Within its Jewish ethos King David aims to provide a stimulating and enriching education, both secular and religious, for all children. It provides Jewish children with an enhanced knowledge and appreciation of their heritage, faith and doctrine and will provide children of other faiths with a knowledge of world religions and cultures. The school offers a variety of extra-curricular activities for pupils including: chess; football; athletics; choir; orchestra; and tag rugby. These take place either during the lunch break or after school. In its last Ofsted inspection in 2007, inspectors said pupils’ “personal development and their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development are good. They feel very safe in school and know that there are adults to turn to should they be hurt or unhappy.” Admissions: T: 0151 722 3372