Find a Jewish School

Bury and Whitefield Jewish Primary School

Headteacher: Mrs Melanie Kobak
Parr Lane, Bury, BL9 8JT
0161 766 2888

Bury and Whitefield Jewish Primary School is a voluntary-aided school in Bury, Lancashire. It was established in 1984 and is co-educational. There are 146 children in this warm and friendly school. The school is a traditionally orthodox school and has a fully-equipped private and state nursery for 30 children.There are 30 places available for reception each year. It is a small family orientated Primary School where every child matters.

In their 2018 report, Ofsted found that: “Safeguarding is an area of strength. Leaders have created a vigilant culture where pupils feel safe” “There are positive relationships between staff and pupils. Pupils ‘behaviour is good and well managed by caring staff”. “Leaders have ensured that the promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural education is effective by ensuring that frequent visitors to school enhance pupils’ understanding of this aspect of the curriculum”. “The behaviour of pupils is good”

The school follows the National Curriculum, strives to embed a lifelong love of learning, and boasts a team of dedicated and driven staff who all believe that every child has the right to the best education. We have extensive sports clubs led by an outside specialist coach. We have an on-site school Mental Health worker available to all our children.

We offer amazing opportunities both inside and outside the classroom whilst we nurture and care for the well-being of every child.

Bury & Whitefield offers a wealth of extra-curricular activities including dance, drama, art, chess, choir, film, yoga, sewing, football, cricket, multi-sports, lego and computer classes. We also support the working parent and offer daily breakfast and afterschool clubs. Our breakfast club opens at 7.30am every morning and after school club closes at 5.30pm.

Themed days, workshops, school trips, visits from speakers and theatre groups, and cross curricular activities enhance the varied and exciting learning environment for all the children.

The school also embodies a love of and commitment to Orthodox Judaism and Israel. Hebrew and Jewish studies underpin the whole educational character of the school. Jewish Studies is taught both as an independent subject and integrated into day-to-day lessons.

The Jewish Studies curriculum aims to make children proud of their Judaism, with the necessary skills and knowledge to continue with their Jewish studies throughout their secondary education and on into adulthood. Celebrating the festivals is a big part of BWJPS life and we welcome parents and grandparents in on a regular basis to share this joy. We have links with other schools in Bury and they visit us to enrich their religious education.