Akiva School is a voluntary-aided co-educational, two-form entry primary school based in Finchley, London. The school moved into a new building in 2008 located on the site of the Sternberg Centre for Judaism, from whose facilities they are able to benefit. There are 420 pupils on the school roll and an intake of 60 children for Reception.
The school follows the national curriculum and Jewish studies is taught as a discrete subject but also integrated into the broader curriculum. Hebrew is taught as a modern foreign language. Club Akiva runs a Breakfast Club and an After-School Club to support working parents. In addition the school has a varied programme of after school, before school and lunchtime clubs. Kosher meat meals are provided.
Akiva is a Progressive Jewish school, primarily serving families from the Liberal, Reform and Masorti movements. It enjoys excellent relations with local faith and non-faith schools.
In its most recent Ofsted report in 2018, inspectors said: “The school has a strong ethos characterised by tolerance and responsibility. Pupils’ behaviour is thoughtful and kind. Pupils show courtesy and consideration to each other. During lessons, pupils concentrate well and listen carefully. They work hard and help each other. Around the school, they behave safely and are very polite and friendly. Children said that they feel safe at school and that ‘it is like a family’.”
Admissions: 020 8349 4980 ext 2