Adding your event/training to website

Please fill in all relevant fields – please read all instructions fully.

Please try not to make the name too long
Who is your audience?(Required)
You can tick more than one
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Info to create a registration form is further down this page
Upload photo/graphic (only if you want one)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Upload Funder's logo (if you need it to be displayed below the event text)
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Do you need a press release(Required)
If you tick yes, please remember to email Niki to let her know you will need a press release and include all relevant information to write it

Info for the registration form

If you would like a registration form made, please fill this in
Please list all fields you would like, together with whether each one is required or not eg, name, role, email address etc.
Please type the confirmation message you would like people to see on the screen once the form has been filled in and submitted
Do you want to receive a confirmation email each time a form is submitted? If so, type your email address here. You will then receive a completed form for each person. If you don't, leave it blank
Text for confirmation email - this will be sent to the person who has filled in the form. It's not necessary so if you don't want this, don't fill it in.