Woodside Gan’s ethos is ‘Learning Through Love’. We believe that by loving and nurturing your child, their personalities, confidence and independence will flourish.
Our dedicated team of staff ensure that all children grow to be caring and confident, prepared for school and have a love of Jewish values.
Woodside Gan was formerly known as Yavneh Nursery.
Each morning begins with singing and davening (morning prayers) followed by free play. Children are encouraged to explore both indoors and outdoors and flow freely between the two areas. For the pre-school children, we provide a phonics programme which prepares them for Reception, following the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework.
Healthy snacks are provided in the morning and delicious home cooked lunch is provided at 12pm Monday to Thursday. The morning session ends at 1:15pm and for those staying until 4pm we offer a variety of stimulating activities including baking, reading and arts and crafts.
We also enjoy extra curricular activities including having external companies visiting to teach the children Pilates, dancing, singing and drama.
Our hours are 8am – 4pm Monday to Thursday. Lunch is included on these days. On Fridays nursery finishes at 12.15pm. Supper club runs Monday – Thursday from 4pm – 6pm.
We offer two options, Year round (we are open for 48 weeks in 2023-24) or Term Time only.